Viewbug does the trick for me!

Have always wanted a greate place to share my photos and to be a part of contests between photogrphers around the world!
I was early a member of Gurushot and for some years  I earned a high status and was doing fine in the algorythm/rank level...I even won a competition or two with some of my portrait photos.
Suddenly one day they change their sharing options on the photo-layout page and there was no way to share to all photographers home: Google+
This was terrible news because the photo site is build to not have options unless you copy the web adress every time you share a photo. They told me the reason was Google+ was a plattform with very few photographers and little sharing around!! Can you imagine? Google + a bad plattform for photos...?
I started to delete all my photos and left Gurushot at ones, and was recomended by a Danish friend to try out viewbug, who was much a like gurushot, but diden't have any Android app for my Samsung...and that is no good.
But viewbug looks greate on the web and I have started to antisipate in contests and in 4 moths I have reach the VIP staus in viewbugs PRO account.
I will keep on try it and will bring my thoughts about the Android app who is coming up soon...they have said for 3 months.
We keep in touch


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